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Saturday, June 1, 2019

Let's be friends

You don't have to give me lots; just be a really good friend
One who's there when all are gone; who's with me to the end..
Be for me, like I am for you: so faithful, honest and true
And we will be like the story books say: friends our whole life through

You don't have to be.."all that":like those who brag and boast'
Who seem to measure all their worth by who can have the most
Just be yourself, whatever that is...and that ...I will truly praise
For no one is able to impress me more than one who isn't seeking to amaze....

I'll be for you a true blue friend and you can be for me the same
We'll relish the time we pass together and protect each other's name
The energy we share and the words we speak will spark a raging fire
That spreads into our little world where love is soon to expire...

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