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Friday, June 21, 2019

Take some moments...

Let your words,  turn into rhyme
Take some moments, take some time...
See what things, you can  truly say:
When written words are the only way.

Slow your breathing, slow your mind:
Silence all the thoughts you find.
All that running and all that rush:
Still them all, and feel God's touch.

Step away from all you're doing
All that unhealthiness, that is brewing
Smell the breezes and feel the wind
Hear your healing ...deep within..

 In yourself, you are complete
 Though you want and though you seek:
 God has made you: made you well:
 Beautiful; wonderful; lovable self..

 Tell the world and let it shine
 We're all a part of the Great Divine
 in His likeness the Lord of all
 Has made each person:  great and small

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