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Friday, June 14, 2019

You are the One, Lord

Early morning and all the world's asleep
I can hear them singing: all the angels as they sing
Gentle creatures and all the plant life too
Remind me softly of how much I mean to You

So, I want to thank You and I sing out with all my voice
To You Almighty Who gives Me every reason to rejoice
In all of my moments and  in all of my hours
You are the One, Lord, Who sustains this world of ours

Darkness lingers, and the day hasn't yet begun
And I ponder over it: all that You have done
You created this universe and all the cosmos too
Everything created .. It all belongs to You

So I want to thank You and I sing out with all my voice
To You Almighty Who gives Me every reason to rejoice
In all of my moments and  in all of my hours
You are the One, Lord, Who sustains this world of ours

When daylight enters and morning starts to shine
I see You Greatness warming this heart of mine
In the tiniest seedling and in the grandiose sea
You're speaking Your love Lord and all It's Immensity

So I want thank You and I sing out with all my voice
To You Almighty Who gives Me every reason to rejoice
In all of my moments and  in all of my hours
You are the One, Lord, Who sustains this world of ours

I hope that all will join me and all will come to see
How much love Lord You have spread out so  lavishly
You're in all of our breathing and You're in our day
You're in every moment Lord.. what more is there to say

So I want to thank You and I sing out with all my voice
To You Almighty Who gives Me every reason to rejoice
In all of my moments and  in all of my hours
You are the One, Lord, Who sustains this world of ours

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