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Monday, June 3, 2019

What's happening to us?

The angels weep, they cry, they plead
For all of us who truly need:
The love of God; His light; His grace;
For violence erupts all over the place

Where is that spirit that Eden knew..
Where love and life so easily grew?
The wrath of Cain at Able's door
Now flows again along earth's floor

It isn't some stranger but ones we know
Who cause this pool of blood to flow
It is outrageous and so unfair
That we see such bloodshed everywhere

Why is it happening..almost, every day:
The sound of gun fire along the way?
Hopeless and helpless some carry a gun
And let out their feelings on everyone..

We are so focused on all that we want
That we fail to see what we should confront
The systems that are failing the hatreds too
If only we'd do what we're suppose to do

The Heavens wouldn't weep or cry or stress
Over all of our world that's become a mess
We would be pleasing instead of not
And we'd love each other as we ought..

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