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Saturday, June 29, 2019

God's still God...

The temperatures were sizzling burning up the air
Waves of ozone toxin were rising everywhere
Then there were bursts of action: the clouds let out a roar
And soon the dried up elements weren't thirsty any more

For in the midst of everything ...this heatwave, on the go
Bowed beneath the Heavens: who said God still loves us so...
The rains poured down around us and brought us respite to our day
God is still the Captain and will always make a way

So if you're in your hard place and your life is looking grim
Turn your eyes to Heaven..   place all your trust in Him
Who can change your dryness into water and water into wine
God is still our Father and will help us every time..

There isn't a situation He can't solve or He can't ever fix
He's  still my all time Favorite when I'm in a hopeless mix
For He's proven it throughout the centuries and in this life of mine
He's not going to leave us helpless: for we're in His Heart Divine

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