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Friday, May 31, 2019

God is in the waiting

You don't have to decide it all in one day
Take some time out to let God show you the way
Hastiness has never proven to be any blessing for you
God is in the waiting..we all know this to be true

Sometimes you are feeling like you need some solution
To all of  the problems that approach like some intrusion
But this is not your battle or war to be fighting
You have a whole army beside  you: I see an angel sighting..

You don't have to decide it all in one day
Take some time out to let God  show you the way
Hastiness has never proven to be any blessing for you
God is in the waiting..we all know this to be true

Pressure from your peers can be mounting on each side
Some how they are  pushing for you.. to "finally decide"
To the left and to the right and everywhere in between
There are those who promote impatience.. you know what I mean:

You don't have to decide it all in one day
Take some time out to let God  show you the way
Hastiness has never proven to be any blessing for you
God is in the waiting..we all know this to be true

In the moment and the timing that is meant to be right
God will enlighten you with His ever present Light
You don't have to be racing and you don't have to rush
For God is in the right time and not in hurrying too much

You don't have to decide it all in one day
Take some time out to let God  show you the way
Hastiness has never proven to be any blessing for you
God is in the waiting..we all know this to be true

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