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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The angels told me you were crying

The angels told me you were crying  they told me's true
I wanted so much to help you but I just didn't know what to do
So I listened inside of my being to the sighings of your heart
And bid the Heavens above to help you... to help you to restart

I can hear the Heavens answering boldly: he's not gone, he's just asleep
At this vigil that you're keeping do not linger and do not weep
For the one  you thought was suffering ..the one you had to let go
Is no longer held here captive.. he's okay and wants you to know

You wanted so badly to be there during those last hours those last days
But one thing after another kept stopping you ..  causing delays
And now you're feeling a bit mournful. like you didn't do your best
Please push this all aside now.. For God knows your heart..please rest

I can hear the Heavens answering boldly: he's not gone..he's just asleep
At this vigil that you're keeping do not linger and do not weep
For the one  you thought was suffering ..the one you had to let go
Is no longer held here captive.. he's okay and wants you to know

There's many questions you still have now many things inside you replay
They're only holding your heart captive keeping you from a better day
So let this all go now let it go.. do not hold onto what could have been
You'll see him again..your  beloved.. where there's no longer pain or sin

I can hear the Heavens answering boldly: he's not gone..he's just asleep
At this vigil that you're keeping do not linger and do not weep
For the one  you thought was suffering ..the one you had to let go
Is no longer held here captive.. he's okay and wants you to know

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