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Monday, June 17, 2019

Death comes too soon

When someone dies, we feel the pain
Of losing that someone who won't remain
It isn't the sorrow of one who's ill
But that which comes when life is still

And so we cry and lament and bid farewell
It tears our hearts ..and we feel like hell
The grief; the sorrow; and the open wound
Reminds us all:  death comes too soon..

We watch the body of our life long friend
Lowered carefully into a man made trench
It rips our souls our hearts all bleed
If only death would spare us the ones we need

And so we cry and lament and bid farewell
It tears our hearts ..and we feel like hell
The grief; the sorrow; and the open wound
Reminds us all:  death comes too soon.

There isn't a sorrow.. that pains more deep,
Than the losing the ones ..we want to keep;
But letting them go is setting them free
And the sorrow we feel is passing you see.

And so we cry and lament and bid farewell
It tears our hearts ..and we feel like hell
The grief; the sorrow; and the open wound
Reminds us all:  death comes too soon.

The memories of laughter and sorrows too
Will invade our hearts we's true
But the vision of the tomorrow we long to see
Will keep us aware that this is all temporary

And so we cry and lament and bid farewell
It tears our hearts ..and we feel like hell
The grief; the sorrow; and the open wound
Reminds us all:  death comes too soon.

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