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Monday, August 6, 2018

The things we miss

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

The sun will rise and the sun will set
But all this beauty;  our minds reject?
For..we have to run and we have to  buy
But it's just a moment..oh won't you try..

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

The raindrops fall and the thunder claps
A twirling wind, lifts a tree that snaps
The calm will come and the rainbow shine
And we'll see all this if we have the time..

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

The sparrow chirps and the songbird sings
Before we're awake or the  alarm clock rings
But it doesn't have to  occur this way
We can rise up early and welcome the day

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

A baby's hand or a simple cry
The beggar who begs and we all pass by
The person who weeps and the old who wait
All these we miss when we're running late

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

So the timing's now and  the time is here
For us to take some moments to really hear
For the clock it's ticking and the day will end
Will we be any wiser will we learn my friend?

In every moment...and in every hour
Wisdom is speaking with all her power
Will we ever hear ..and  will we ever see
The things we miss..when we're too busy?

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