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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Outside our window

The sunlight is "peeking" across the lawn
While all the universe is beginning to yawn
So much of God's sweetness is filling the air
While creatures are calling and singing everywhere..

The quietness of morn is delighting my soul,
And clouds, oozing with rain, are starting to stroll...
Yet, the diners of daylight, are pecking away
At the spread of seed, I have put out, without display..

Gentle droplets of rain are creating some rhyme
Rhythmic their sound that blesses our time
Soaking the earth, so drenched and worm:
We wait, to see, the rainbow of morn..

Hushed the seconds that are filling my house
So quiet it is, you could hear a mouse...
But mice wouldn't play here, inside of my place
For kitties would hurry to stifle their pace...

Outside of your window, what is it you see?
Would you put it in verse, and share it with me?
For the beauty, outlining your parcel of land
Can serve to uplift you and steady your stand...

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