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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

If only we would dig deep in faith...

Some days the clouds they linger on and block the shining sun
And shadows fall and follow us and nothing can get done
We're caught up in the grips of fate that seem to show life dim
If only we would dig deep in faith; we'd see our hope's in Him

Some days the pains that plague our heart are deep and all around
We find it hard to move about and flee the joyful sound
The smile is hard to form within and so we wear the frown
If only we would dig  deep in faith we'd shine when we are down..

Some days were flying high in hope and nothing seems to hurt
We're laughing loving all around and can see diamonds in the dirt
While these moments  seem limitless they're gone and we forget
If only we would dig deep faith, they're easy enough to get..

So let us learn to live our lives in the good times and the bad
Knowing that in every hour there are  blessings to be had
There's happiness and sadder timers and times we wish were not
If only we would dig deep in faith we'd have what can't be bought

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