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Saturday, August 11, 2018

He has invited me daily

In memory of Lambert Klumper: Rest in Peace

 I touched all the heavens, and I touched the sky
 I tasted the sweetness of love passing by
 In all of the universe and in all of the air
 God is all Present, and He is everywhere...

 In all of the minutes and in all of the day
 Angels are working to prepare me a way
 For the passing of Heaven in the Spirit of love
 Inviting each person to  the Heavens above

 In each of the plantlets and in all of the sea
 In everyone present and in all humanity
 An echo is sounding: a force calm and still
 Is preparing this world for the Eternal One's Will

 I've fought the good fight now am ready to see
 My Maker, Creator, The Most Holy Three
 For far from this world and all it can give
 He has invited me daily to come There and live

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