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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Life is much better than the pain we can know

The saddest story that I read today
Was a man wanting to end his life some way
The teacher of others was now seeking his end
I pray he finds comfort in some family or friend

We know life is much better, than the pain we can know
There's beauty and awesomeness everywhere we stroll
The pain may deceive us with its awkwardness and  release
But living despite it will bring us true peace

The angel of darkness can bring us despair
He can breathe out discouragement: every place, everywhere
His clouds are more ominous that the worst thunderstorm
But he'll speak with such sweetness:  with words "kind and warm.."

We know life is much better, than the pain we can know
There's beauty and awesomeness everywhere we stroll
The pain may deceive us with its awkwardness and  release
But living despite it will bring us true peace

An example for others, the sufferer of pain
Can show us life's better than the feelings that remain
For deep down in our being our spirit still soars
And carries each moment to the Eternal One's doors

We know life is much better, than the pain we can know
There's beauty and awesomeness everywhere we stroll
The pain may deceive us with its awkwardness and  release
But living despite it will bring us true peace

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