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Sunday, August 26, 2018

In this Eden of our day...

Singing out in soothing sound
Cicadas ..crickets create a round
Of healing energy..soft and sweet
True refreshment for the heat

Chirping sparrows, blue jays too:
Supplement, life's round, it's true..
Leaving room for mind and heart
To serenade and have a part..

While in slumber, others sleep
Poets, artists, slowly creep..
Through the silence, through the dawn
Capturing all the morning's yawn

What's still hidden, still unheard
Listening hearts will show in word:
Secrets..soundings..Love Divine
All who want, can see this shine..

Take a moment, take some time
Immerse yourself in wordless rhyme
In this Eden of our day
God is present in every way

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