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Monday, June 18, 2018


I will hear it; and I will listen to it
 with everything that is sounding inside my heart
To all of the melodies; to all of the harmonies;
 that are giving this day her lovely start
So much, the awesomeness, so much the beautifulness
that is sounding outside the door for me
How can I not want it, and not desire for it
to become a part of my daily spirituality

The world is so amazing once you take her out of the thread
of the media and of CNN
It has become so evident that we're becoming so tainted
by the news we're taking in
Graspers of the dramatic they twist and turn what is
into some falsified form of  reality
And then present it to us; like some Gospel truth
that they are wanting us to believe

We must revive again and divorce ourselves from the trend
of following the awkward crowd
That takes its nourishment from the media
and the stories put out there, on the cloud
We can become the revolutionaries;
the rebels of the mind control that is happening every day
And show the world that happiness can be had
without the having or doing like "they say"

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