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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Just stop...

Stop for a moment; and breathe the air
So much everywhere..
Too much worrying not enough peace
Stop for a moment and then release....

Stop all you're doing and hear the sound
Of all of  this universe and all around
Quietly shouting out: touching deep within
Stop and savor it:  you can  let it in.

Stop all of your arguing; stop and share
All that is beautiful: everywhere
Time keeps on leaving us..o can't you see
Stop for a moment and let it all be....

Stop all of your fidgeting stop and care
Hold what is wonderful: here and there
Nothing is pressing us; so just be still
Stop and enjoy it all life is so  real..

Stop,just a moment, and  you will see
Life has something here for you and me
It isn't all expensive  and its not in a store
Stop and you'll find it: what your looking for..

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