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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Please help me understand..

Please help me understand
What is going on inside our land
Oh..can you help me see
Why there's so much animosity

In this land so bold and free
Why aren't we learning: you and me
How to love and how to care
For every person every where

Please help me understand
What is going on inside our land
Oh..can you help me see
Why there's so much animosity

Looking left and looking right
Nobody's really using the Light
Instead we're choosing ( you and me)
What is divisive: can't you see..

Please help me understand
What is going on inside our land
Oh..can you help me see
Why there's so much animosity

If only we were really seeking  peace
All this warring would finally cease
But you and I just can't agree
That there's so much we fail to see..

Please help me understand
What is going on inside our land
Oh..can you help me see
Why there's so much animosity

I want to know it:  yes I do
Why we cannot find it: all the truth
And instead of pushing our own way
We try to bring unity to our day

Please help me understand
What is going on inside our land
Oh..can you help me see
Why there's so much animosity

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Joy. A well-written poignant poetic-piece. Peace be with you with you messages of faith. So much animosity, with many bad-tempered about their beliefs and causes. Blessings to you. Love love, Andrew.

    I'll come back and read some more of your posts, got things to do right now. Take good care. I really like reading your poetic-pieces, you're a good poet.


Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment