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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Did you know...

 Today the winds are whispering such songs of gentle love
 Crying out with utmost carefulness: Give praise to God above
 He is the True Creator of the universe and all the sky
 The winds are carefullly whispering sweet songs for you and I

 The earth is humbly rumbling a soft rythmn for me and you
 It is challenging all our senses and our intellect it is true
 Through everything that is now growing and everything all around
 The earth is all transportive of the Great Immortal Sound..

 The sea is so surrendering its sounds of endless praise
 Through rushes of tides now forming and sound of crashing waves
 It is echoing all the Powerfulness and all the Majestic Might
 That began with Simple Whisperings and made both day and night.

 The hours are all expanding and all of the minutes are too
 They are carrying the Great Awakening the Eternal I Love You
 Yet we are all still sleeping and so deaf to all of this love
 The clock it keeps on ticking as He awaits us: the God above....

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