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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Someone understands

I feel all your pain even though you might be so very far
And though you feel rejected I see how beautiful you really are
Don't let another pull you down into some ugly scary space
You are precious and valuable though you are feeling out of place

I understand you: that you have those moments that you need to cry
So don't be afraid to let those tear drops fall: like rain from the sky.
It's all healing to let out those broken feelings from deep inside
Whatever is burdensome needs to be released; let it all go outside.

So tell me, now:  how are you feeling that you are letting it all go?
Every bit of it needs to be released so that you may able to grow.
It may be painful to let go of what is so very familiar to you;
But you are worth the change that will happen once you are able to .


  1. I'm feeling tired as I'm letting it all go. Had a rough night of nightmares but I'm still here,in the present. I've always been my own hero Joy, always fighting to save myself, protect myself. As these flashes come of family incest and rape I still find myself being my own hero with Jesus being my strong Helper. It's hard to shed tears sometimes because sometimes I just feel numb. As the scene is before me and my body tells me what they did to me, my mind,my heart feels like I'm not going to make it through. It's so horrific I want to tell myself all over again that it didn't happen to me. But Jesus gives me courage with each flash, with each nightmare to accept my truth and let it all go. Tears come sometimes but last night I refuse to let them fall...Thank you Joy for such a beautiful poem and I was also blessed from the song you shared along with it. May God continue to hold you near and bless you with His merciful Love...RiRi

  2. Dear Riri, I can say I truly understand .You are so right in what you are saying we have to be our own Heroes with Jesus helping us ... we know and feel more deeply than anyone can whats happening inside . Unknowing and un-thoughtful people can inflict deeper wounds or salt those we have by not understanding and saying things we are not able to hear and handle; but I do understand and I know God and Jesus understands. .there are those who understand.. am starting a new blog ..slowly where I will begin writing what happened. way back which made me such an easy victim for my adult abuse:

    I love you Riri and am here for you and will do all I can to ask Jesus to help you .. Please pray for me .. as well.



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