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Saturday, August 4, 2012

As children we cried

This is a letter to those born after that time
Which anchors my heart and inspires this rhyme.
Before you were born before you saw the light
Some of us struggled and were living in fright

We didnt have sweetness or tender loving care
But rather we were beaten and work was our share
And though we were children we lived in great fear
The belt and the hand brought punishments near

You judged us as ungrateful, as running away
If you were mistreated, how long would you stay?
The difference between us is who was around..
You had your father,but ours couldn't be found.

During our childhood, we were taken away
In houses of strangers we were made to  stay
Because of what happened, things you never knew;
We walk around wounded and misjudged by you

Instead of condemning and thinking us aloof
Read  all the history and there'll you find proof
That we knew the struggles and we knew the fright
We were beaten badly  long before you  saw light.

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