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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Invitation from your heart

Listen deeply, to the whisperings within your fragile heart
Sighs are echoing and do not show signs that they will depart
You have created  a whirlwind from  the things you have to do
Yet your body is breaking and weakening: it's all because of you

Is there anything so important that you would compromise your health
After all, there are many different kinds of riches and wealth.
You could have everything and your life might appear to be a success
But lacking a foundation such things are but a pile of emptiness.

There are other treasures one should always be seeking and striving for.
Once you have them you won't be desiring and reaching out for more
They will be everything you thought you were needing from the things outside
But unlike the wordly treasures they're never going to sour your soul inside


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