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Friday, July 27, 2012

This Morning

Did you hear the first wind whisper when you opened up your eyes
Did you feel the tiny sunbeam as it was racing across the skies
Did you hear the early birds singing or watch the night depart
Do tell me what first touched you, what awoke your sleeping heart

Was  the early morning fragrant with the smell of flowering trees
Did you hear the busy rhythmn of a hundred buzzing bees?
What was it about the morning that you were able to see
Do tell me, did you notice: how beautiful the world could be?

Could you hear the flowers smiling as they were ready to bloom
Did you feel all warm and cozy when the sunlight filled your room
What did you do this morning as the world was all aglow
Did you sit and admire creation as she was putting on her show?


  1. Oh Joy, I'm so in love with your imagination and how it paints such a beautiful picture of God's creation. This poem is great art work. I appreciate you sharing it with me and everyone who is reading and feeling it too. Thank you Joy for being such a humble and sweet spirit. Thank you for giving of yourself through these most powerful and lovely poems of God's love for us through creation. May you continue to see and feel and explore the goodness of Jesus. He loves you very much and I do too. :)...Hope that you're having a good day...Love RiRi

  2. Dear Riri: it is always such a wonderful blessing when you stop by. God, it is . who helps me write.. He puts it in my heart the words and i put it on the blog.. To Him belongs all the credit. other wise by myself am surely to have a mess of a poem..Am doing pretty good, Riri. how are you . .I miss you . when i don't hear from you.. are you doing well? You are surely a special treasure to me.. a wonderful friend Joy

  3. Some days are good, then lately not so good. But all the time God reassures me that He's with me in all, the good days and bad..Thank you for missing me and expressing that feeling to me. Your thoughts and opinions are valuable to me. I do value your presence through your writings and when I'm away, not responding, I'm still reading, almost everyday...So happy to know that you're doing good. That's wonderful to know. It's about to storm here today. I love and enjoy rainy days. May you continue to be blessed and may all good things come your way and when the not so good come, be encouraged that this too shall pass. I love you Joy. Thank you for calling me your friend...your friend indeed..RiRi

  4. Dear Riri

    I do hope the better days become more and more for you and the bad less and less . I know in my heart that God has only immense love for you and He is with you always keeping you close to His Heart, even when it seems He is distant. He backs away sometimes so we can see how we have grown in His love . because without it we could not continue to walk. He calls us through the silence and loves us through our pain..
    Keep in touch dear Riri.. am united to you through the heart ..peace to you dear Riri..
    Love :



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