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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The freedom to dance

Beautiful little beings are starting to romp around
The wind is gently whispering its ever soothing sound
Creation is awaking to the touch of solar rays
Heaven's portals are bursting open with pure angelic praise

Trees are bending to the rythmn of the early morning breeze
Butterflies get together to sing soprano with the bees
Tiniest little creatures that are hidden from mortal eye
Are straining to send their voices to the Creator of the sky

While we're hustling and we're bustling each and every day
The universe is whispering: "there is such a better way"
But you have to stop to listen and slow your busy pace
To allow the balance of mother earth to find in you a place.

Will you be taking those moments that you so desperately need
To allow the Eternal Gardener to plant in you His  Seed
Which will give to you that simple freedom and willingness to dance
With all the creatures of the universe and the simple plants

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