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Monday, February 27, 2012

For someone special on her birthday

Today someone dear to me is celebrating a birthday
So I dedicate this poem to her in a special way
Hope your day is beautiful and special just like you
You deserve the best of best for everything you do.

Do you still remember the day you finally made it out
Opening your eyes to the world did you kick and shout?
When the doctors smacked you hard did you break a smile
Or did you simply cry and cry making rainbows for a while

How was the world appearing then when you took a glance
Would you go through it all again if you had a  chance.
DO you remember the tender hug you mom first gave to you
On seeing that her new born babe was glowing through and through?

Oh how I  hope you'll  have the bestest day that you ever ever had
And that when you look back on it tonight your heart is warm and glad
You have made so many people happy as you went along life's way
So I say with all my love inside : hope you have happy  birthday

with love,

(c) Joy

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