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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

All she could take

She had taken all she could and was broken up inside
She didn't ever raise her eyes or seek to go outside
All her ambitions were cast out she was so full of shame
Tears were constantly in her eyes she didn't know her name

People had pushed her here and there and made her be the fool
She was afraid to ever speak up and silence was her rule
Many ridiculed the way she looked and others: how she spoke
None had hurt her more, however,  than the one who left her broke

She continues to struggle with herself but now is a little more sure
For God has sent an angel over to help and watch over her
Though she feels she cannot go on; her angel points out the way
Reminding her that she is someone and is starting a brand  new day.

thank you to my angel..the one who is helping me now

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