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Monday, January 23, 2012

True colors are coming out

Teardrops are falling from my eyes and  splashing  on the ground
Confusion, shock and surprise  are everywhere around
True colors have been coming out like a downpour of the rain
Causing in my heart a wound thats leaves me in such pain

Nothing can ever hurt me more than the carelessness  of  one
Whose uncensored words have left so much damage to be undone
Once the words has been spoken out and  wounded me so deep
There is nothing left for me to do but to ponder and to weep.

So it is that during this night I am sifting through the  hurt
Caused by  words flung around like so much worthless dirt
I can't even believe what I have  seen or  what I've come to know
But its a pain I must go through and then I'll let it go..

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