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Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's A Brand New Year

It's a brand new year, let the old one pass away
Resolve to try a little harder at what you do and say
Don't make too many resolutions but rather say you'll try
To improve on what needs improving and let the rest go on by

Sometimes we feel the need to say  we'll do greater things
But perhaps it's just enough to accept whatever  the New Year brings?
There'll   be plenty of challenges; joys and sorrows too
Perhaps just being able  to handle them  is all we'll need to do

As the New Year is starting off try not to boast or compare
It's enough to say you'll try harder: that'll be your share
All the promising in the world wont make anything come to be
But resolving to try much harder is a reachable reality

Happy New Year to All Who Read Here

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