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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hopeful in our weakness

(written for my good friend, Riri)

Seems the clouds are gathering and I feel my brokenness
The pain is so very burdensome i feel such emptiness
If it weren't for the good angels who are watching over me
I don't know how  I would be able to handle so much misery

But before the Eternal One I am dropping to my knees
I'm begging  and I'm pleading before the One who always sees
And though I am but weakness; with the Eternal One I can be
Someone whose reaching out to the broken ones like me

So if you are in trouble and your soul is weighted down
Come sit with me in silence as the angels gather round
We will wait right here together and find the strength to be
Hopeful in our weakness and strong in   frailty.


  1. .."But before the Eternal One I am dropping to my knees.I'm begging and I'm pleading before the One who sees...We will wait right here together and find strength to be.Hopeful in our weakness and strong in frailty."

    Thank you for this. All of it is such a reality for me..Your kindness today has been written down in heaven to be remembered throughout Eternity...Thank you once again for taking out time to love on me. God bless you Joy

  2. Dear Riri. you are always part of my heart and when you heart hurts.. Though I struggle myself.. I beg our good God to be kind to all who carry heavy burdens.. You are loved and ever with me.. xoxox Joy


Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment