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Friday, September 2, 2011

In the Stillness

Today was full of stillness and thoughts were all around
I listened to the silence and and the emptiness made sound
No words were ever spoken yet so much I could hear
I heard the voice of the universe it was tender and sincere.

The wind carried its message and the trees sang their song
An orphan kitty meowed at what the breeze brought along
Bumble bees were busy and the ants were in parade
The wonders of the universe in silence are displayed


  1. It's 1:06 a.m. here in Augusta, Ga. I was thinking about you and I had to get up and write. I want to share with you what came to me.

    Dear Joy

    Dear Joy as I lay here tonight
    I pray to God that you're alright
    I pray to God with all my might
    Oh God please be with my Joy tonight

    Dear Joy I wish I could take the hurt from you
    Make all your lovely dreams come true
    If I could be there for you tonight
    I'll sit with you till morning light

    Dear Joy you deserve a safe place
    I pray you're snuggled in so safe
    And angels from heaven above
    In your sleep whispering melodies of love

    Dear Joy you mean so much to me
    It seems like this just cant't be
    That I have someone pure as you
    A friendship love so dear and true

    Dear Joy as I lay here tonight
    I pray to God with all my might
    That you are resting peacefully
    Dear Joy you mean so much to me


  2. My dearest dearest Riri I just come across this note
    and was moved to tears of gratitude for someone so precious as you.

    You write such beautiful poetry..and rhyming and timing so very perfect like you ..

    I love you Riri sweet visitor to my blogspot and encourager of my heart..

    I hope all the sweet and kind things you have wished for me will also come true for you..

    How is it that souls so far away can be so near while those who are so near are so far away? Only through the spirit of the All loving and kind God.. of course..

    Thank you for always being here to comment.. you are just like an angel..for angels you dont see but they always bring you light and hope..Thank you for being an angel to me.

    Your poem filled my heart with joy even as I struggle through the stuff I must struggle through..

    Have a blessed rest of day..

    Love you



  3. ((( riri ))) hope you are alright thinking of you ..<3



Thank you for your comment.. you are dear to me.. I will reply to this comment