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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Going inside:

The world is quiet all around me my mind is full of stuff
Theres no room for any more musings it has had enough
So I spend this time in silence and let my soul be still
Allowing some peaceful moments to touch upon my will

In the silence everything is louder one can hear the spirit within
Seems like its almost shouting " its time for the healing to begin"
So I wait here inside my being backing off from all routine
I allow  the spirit to guide me into the secret lands  unseen.

It can be a little bit frightening for all one's demons are inside
They growl  and fuss about you and bring up things you hide
Oh my goodness gracious I so wasn't expecting  this
I was seeking a flowery meadow a little heavenly bliss

But now I'm here inside me facing all the hurts and fears
I can feel the tension rising and expect a downpour of tears
For am here with my little me who already had begun to cry
And is asking me a million questions that all begin with why.

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