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Monday, May 20, 2019

Where is God...?

Oh,what is God's church and where can it be
Is it just in a building or can I say it's in me
Must it be for the moment or for every hour of the day
Is church only church..when we gather to pray

Where is God's temple and what does it hold
Is it simply a building like we've always been told
Or is it also a being and a gathering and a time
Where God is ever present with His Presence Divine?

Oh where are the Heavens and where is the One
Who created our eternity and gave us His Son
Is it upward or downward or found after we die
If we ponder sincerely .. we'll know.. .You and I

But God's not in the  buildings and He's not "over there"
He isn't restricted to some long hours of prayer
He's isn't in the temporal and He cannot ever be held
God isn't some Being that rule books can quell

So rethink it .. your thinking..Of God and His Ways
He's different from everything we've learned all our days
We musn't be smugness and think that we're always right
For everyone is welcome in the Good God's Delight

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