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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

We can do better; we know it's true

Birds are chirping: they sing their song;
And invite us all to join along
Singing and praising; they show their love
For the God who reigns and shines above

And we and we: what do we do..?
We rush and run the whole day through
We pause for a moment .. a second or two: 
We can do better, we know it's true

The creature-lets romp; they run; they play
So happy to have..yet,  another day
They jump; they scramble..but praise our God
Before they even begin to nod..

And we and we: what do we do..?
We rush and run the whole day through
We pause for a moment .. a second or two: 
We can do better, we know it's true

The trees the flowers the plant-lets too
Are singing forever: an "I love you"
Stretching and reaching: they touch the sky
It holds their cannot deny

And we and we: what do we do..?
We rush and run the whole day through
We pause for a moment .. a second or two: 
We can do better, we know it's true

Even the smallest of the creatures run
But take some time to acknowledge..the One
Who gave us life and breath and air
The whole horizon is alive with prayer...

And we and we: what do we do..?
We rush and run the whole day through
We pause for a moment .. a second or two: 
We can do better, we know it's true

Will we be brave and start off each day
With quiet words some word to say..
We're grateful..thankful ..truly blessed
We are so privileged all the rest

And we and we: what do we do..?
We rush and run the whole day through
We pause for a moment .. a second or two: 
We can do better, we know it's true

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