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Monday, May 13, 2019

Morning morsels for you

It is truly okay if everyone does not agree
With your ideas and  hopes and things that you see
Keep on hoping and dreaming and embrace everywhere
The sounds of the Omnipotent His beauty His prayer

Seek nothing from anyone but be ready to give
A smile and an embrace and a reason to live
For your timing and caring may be just the thing
That someone who's struggling is needing you to bring

Be content with your blessings no matter how small
And be ready to share them with one and with all
For the more that you're willing to extend out your hand
The more you will receive back  you now understand

God cannot be outdone by your generosity or time
His payback is certain and so easy to find
In the moments and morsels that come every day
Or in someone who is kindly and passing your way

Be thankful and  grateful; and be loyal and true
To the One who is providing such blessings for you
For never for a moment or a second or other
Will God ever abandon you .   HE's Father and Mother..

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