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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pickup the pieces...

 Pickup all of the pieces that have fallen
 I hear a better life for you is calling
 Step out into the future: though it is unknown
 Someone's waiting to help you... you're not alone

 You couldn't believe it... that someone could really care
 After all of those burdens you have known and have had to bare
 Yet truly I can say this.... and,  I am not lying to you...
 There's Someone waiting to make you feel like someone new

 Pickup all of the pieces that have fallen
 I hear a better life for you is calling
 Step out into the future: though it is unknown
 Someone's waiting to help you... you're not alone

 Today, tomorrow and not even the far distant yesterday
 Are not a problem for the new life that is coming your way
 You have to trust me ...God is wanting.. the best for you
 You have, only, to surrender and let His Spirit act in you

 Pickup all of the pieces that have fallen
 I hear a better life for you is calling
 Step out into the future: though it is unknown
 Someone's waiting to help you... you're not alone

 You thought it was over there was no more hope for you
 You've seen the worst and been through what you've been through
 But I tell you there is still a rainbow, that's lingering in your sky
 God is about to change it all if you will let Him try

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