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Sunday, April 14, 2019

We are rescued from that curse...

I don't really think.. that we need to recall it again and again:
That painful, shameful death, that Jesus chose to lift our sin ;
But, rather, we should  rejoice in the fact that He's here, today
And has conquered our sin and death and made for us a way

We are rescued from that curse we are delivered from all that shame
Our Lord has conquered death and we can have confidence in His Name
So we will call on Him today and we will also call on  Him tomorrow
For Jesus, Lord and Savior our God  who removes all sorrow

The replaying of His death and the recalling of all those stripes
Can only make us hurt and sorrow over such a painful price
He's no longer on that Cross and He is no longer in that place
That bore the world's rejection of God's unrelenting grace...

We are rescued from that curse we are delivered from all that shame
Our Lord has conquered death and we can have confidence in His Name
So we will call on Him today and we will also call on  Him tomorrow
For Jesus, Lord and Savior our God  who removes all sorrow

Somehow, we fill that reliving all the wrong that we have ever done
Is somehow pleasing to our God and  His only begotten  Son
So,  we have done this every year and  forever we will continue to do
Because we can't imagine an Easter without some guilt trip in me and you

We are rescued from that curse we are delivered from all that shame
Our Lord has conquered death and we can have confidence in His Name
So we will call on Him today and we will also call on  Him tomorrow
For Jesus, Lord and Savior our God  who removes all sorrow

Our God wants us all to be happy and not to return to those awful ways
He has only asked of us ... for our love and our endless praise
So ...what of all this big displaying  of the shame that made Him die..?
God does not find any enjoyment in this reminder from you and I

We are rescued from that curse we are delivered from all that shame
Our Lord has conquered death and we can have confidence in His Name
So we will call on Him today and we will also call on  Him tomorrow
For Jesus, Lord and Savior our God  who removes all sorrow

God has rescued all of us and wants us to live like those who are alive
HE has rescued us from all those things that wouldn't let us live and thrive
WE are all a new creation: and a brand new people in His grace:
Let us start living and loving each other and stop hanging onto disgrace

We are rescued from that curse we are delivered from all that shame
Our Lord has conquered death and we can have confidence in His Name
So we will call on Him today and we will also call on  Him tomorrow
For Jesus, Lord and Savior our God  who removes all sorrow

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