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Saturday, April 20, 2019

God's temple

JOHN 4:23 : There will come a time 
when all will worship in spirit and truth

In the silence, of the morning.. before the sun begins to shine
Angel choirs are softly singing ..each of us are God's own shrine
No need for steeples.. or cathedrals;  in our hearts we can always hear
All the sermons and the melodies that make each of us a temple dear

While the sun is slowly rising and the molecules of this new day
Form a stream, of breezy whispers: we are readied for the way
Like an altar, set up gently;  with the vessels we can find
All our hearts are prepped and dressed up for the Eternal Lord Divine

All our equal and invited into this feast  that is always here
Come now quickly, without  worry; morning bids us all draw near:
To the altar.. of our being... to this church, that holds such care:
Walls are absent.. collections banished..we are one, for God is fair

Close your eyes, inside  this temple...hear God speak through everything:
Through the flowers, birds and plantlets..through the rivers and the spring
God is present, touching hearts and making moments that burst with love
Stop your bickering and competing and help each other rise above

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