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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This sorrow that you feel

I am feeling all the anguish that you are having to feel right now
And am wishing I could take it all away or lessen it all some how
But I'm  not able to even begin to change it or make it all go away
How awful I'm feeling knowing that you are having this sorrow today

I know that what has been done to you has been so terribly wrong
And that you have been suffering from all of this for way too long
If I  could just reach out to you and take some of it away from you
I would do so in a heartbeat for I'm willing to do whatever I can do

Please know that you are not alone in all that you have come to know
Some day this hurt and sorrow will be transformed into a heart aglow
For happiness will take over and you will be feeling so different inside
Your destiny is not this hurt but an oasis of hope where you can abide

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