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Friday, March 8, 2013

Getting through the challenges

Today's a hard day yet there are so many things that I am needing to do
So I'll have to push aside the worries until this day is finally through
Some days are challenging but we have to trust in all that we're made of
For the Almighty is watching over us and is holding us in all of His love.

I don't trust in my own impulses my own tendencies tend to be led by fear
So I am calling on the angels to help me as I am doing all of my duties here
Please Heavenly beings give me strength to do everything I must in a Godly way
Let nothing I do now  be displeasing to my Heavenly Father in this day.

Already I am feeling it, all the graces  coming to me  from the Eternal One
And somehow I know things will work out yes everything will all get done
I'm  so ashamed of all my trembling before these challenges that are appearing
But am consoled to know that with God's grace they're finally all disappearing

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