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Monday, March 11, 2013

In your illness

As you are trying to heal now; may the universe whisper to you 
And may the touch of  nature escort all the better feelings through
Sometimes we are needing a respite after a time of inner stress
I pray that the healing Angel will touch the hurts you must suppress

I know  that your pain is constant and that there's never enough relief

And that sometimes you're feeling so badly that you're shaken up in your belief
Just know that someone is feeling it with you; every element of your pain
I will stay  with you in your spirit until the worst of it starts to wain

I hope you're feeling better now that you know there's someone to care

And that you can feel within you all the angels who are  everywhere
You're never alone in  your sufferings, no you're never alone at all
You're help is just within you for the angels are awaiting your call.

1 comment:

  1. I really needed to hear this today, dear Joy! Thank you again for all that you you! {{Hugs}}


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