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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Christmas Light

 Oh quietest light you illuminate  the night

And point us forever to God's True Light

Without ever a word .you teach us forever

About Ways and Truths That'll keep us together

Year after year you continue to appear

And  remind us all how God will draw near

Not inside a castle or wearing a crown

Will God come to us or bring Heaven down

The elite ..and. great are not  first to see

How God has Chosen  to save  humanity

But simple shepherds and sheep  lead the way

To God's first mansion.. a pile of hay

So today we'll learn like others once did

How God's True Light prefers  to live

Not lavish or luxurious or sporting some glow

But humble and hidden and avoiding all show

The greatest..and  highest are often unseen

They carry a smile and a serenity serene

But riches and treasures that many would grab

They flee from like lighting so little they have

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