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Sunday, November 1, 2020

What have we become?

 What have we become: who are you and who am I ?

We have wandered away from our one can deny...

Fighting over  political parties..we ignore those who disagree

Hardly able to remember we're all family..wouldn't you say that you agree?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

I am black and you are white...but...why does color have to play a part

Why can't everyone learn to love each other like the One who gave us all a heart?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

So much violence so much hatred...places engulfed with burning flames

Upset with all of the utter injustice people call each other ugly names

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

I can see them..all the angels..faces buried inside their sacred hands

Sighs and sorrows expressed in  weeping over all our very troubled lands

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

Can we stop it... all our self destruction ...evident in everything that we can see

Will it be too late too little too tardy to save us..this grumbling mass of humanity?

What have we become: who are you and who am I?

We have wandered away from our calling... no one can deny....

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