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Friday, November 6, 2020

After the voting

 Whatever the outcome... when all's said and done

We should try as a  nation to unite and become one

Away with the titles... the parties ...the hate

Let's unite as a country and stop trying to debate

We're approaching a horizon, a new coming year;

Put away all of the discord,  the anger, the fear

Accept what is evident and put away what is not

We're one people united and let's act like we ought

The  old years are passing ...the new ones arrive

With hands interlocked, now..we can  learn to survive

The grudges the hangups the bitterness galore

Let's resolve, as a country, to make these ....the best four

Be it President Biden ...or another  ..we should respect

What history has taught us .. and welcome the elect

The voters have spoken ..   the count has made it clear

It's time for us, Americans,  to begin a new year..

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