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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

What a wonderful day

Happy Birthday Juan

 What a wonderful day wake up and sing

And to embrace all the world and to love everything

Gifted so freely and freely it'll all stay 

God has so blessed you..with this beautiful day..

The morning is breaking like so many of the others

The sunshine is shining on our sisters and brothers

Creatures are romping and the birds..they all sing

What a wonderful day .. the Almighty does bring

The coffee is brewing or maybe it is some tea

It really isn't  important in the broad view of things

But what rises so promptly like the sun in the dawn

Is each breath that you're taking while mother earth yawns

If today you are reading these whispers I  write

Know ..that you're special and are primed for the Light

Who loves you so dearly that He wakes you each day

With wisdom and beauty and love along the  way

So jump up..start dancing... with a quick step or two

You're uniquely created and there's only one you

You're destined for greatness and only you'll know

How privileged you've been by the Divine Overflow....

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