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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Nobody wins in war

While some people talk about destruction and war
Angels from Heaven are pleading and implore:
Put away this fighting and put away these guns
Death's not the answer to these terroristic runs

Because so many innocents would die in a war
We'd say that we're winning while blood fills earth's floor
If even one person should die out of hate
Torrents would rush out from the Eternal One's gate....

The mighty and furious are aiming to fight
Boasting and promising to make everything right
But pointing your missels and shaking your fists
Would only be stimulants that put everyone at risk...

Because so many innocents would die in a war
We'd say that we're winning while blood fills earth's floor
If even one person should die out of hate
Torrents would rush out from the Eternal One's gate....

The anxious and unstable one is creating a scene
He's pounding his podium.... and appearing so mean
If only we'd see it: the reason for this all
North Korea is struggling in each missel that falls

Because so many innocents would die in a war
We'd say that we're winning while blood fills earth's floor
If even one person should die out of hate
Torrents would rush out from the Eternal One's gate....

1 comment:

  1. A poignant piece. I like the word 'piecemeal', as it has 'peace' and 'meal'. Man has been at odds with each other until the dawn of time! I don't like aggression, and hope for a world of peaceful relations. A well written piece with good rhymes. Keep writing what is inspiring! Have an enjoyable week. Blessings.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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