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Monday, September 18, 2017

Have you ever noticed..

Early the hours when the first squirrel appears
Nibbling and jumping and wiggling his ears..
Peering and poking through seeds on the ground
Romping and playing and jumping around..

Softly the breezes are touching the trees
Creatures with feathers will delight us and please
Chirping and singing and looking about
Birds of all colors will sing but not shout

Fluffy white powder puffs are gracing the sky
Storm clouds are missing but soon will say 'hi"
The weather is changing with the energies that loom
Soon we will hear them: the clouds that go "boom".

Have you ever noticed it: this first light of morn
Tried to engage it or watched as it's borne..?
Truly its hours; its minutes; and its time:
Is creating some pictures and some verses for rhyme


  1. I enjoyed reading your poem. I like the early mornings - nice and peaceful! I usually get up about six, and enjoy many a sunrise, especially while taking my dog for a walk.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  2. Love you to are a loving kind soul..thank you for your kind words...

    1. You are welcome. Have a nice week.

      Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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