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Monday, August 28, 2017

Imprints of the Almighty

Skies open up with the glow of the sun
Beauty and hope fall out on everyone
Blueness and clarity and lovely warm air
Storms are now passing; there's peace everywhere

Oh wonderful world at the break of each day
So much of the Eternal is passing our way
In beauty and  awesomeness and sounds all around
Imprints of the Almighty are definitely found

Rising up quickly we rush into day
Cooking and prepping and off on our way
Driving through traffic and taking in smog
We hardly remember to pray in this fog..

Oh wonderful world at the break of each day
So much of the Eternal is passing our way
In beauty and  awesomeness and sounds all around
Imprints of the Almighty are definitely found

The day lingers on: our minds fill with stress
Too many the worries and concerns to address
Hurrying from work and back in the race
We pass by so many but what of God's grace?

Oh wonderful world at the break of each day
So much of the Eternal is passing our way
In beauty and  awesomeness and sounds all around
Imprints of the Almighty are definitely found

Each day we continue from morning to night
We have our routines and our goals are in sight
But have we forgotten or have we not seen
Who we keep missing in our daily routine?

Oh wonderful world at the break of each day
So much of the Eternal is passing our way
In beauty and  awesomeness and sounds all around
Imprints of the Almighty are definitely found

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading. I fell in love with Jesus through a time of hardship, and He helped me get through. He became like a Best Friend. You are a good poet, keep up the good work.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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