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Friday, August 25, 2017

Harvey's arrival

The storm, it turned, towards the southern coast
And the winds and rains became frightening to most
Like warriors. who battled. there were some. who did stay:
Fighting the forces ...they were all washed away

And Harvey he came with the mightiest wind
He roared and he blew and he turned once again  
Flooding the beaches and shattering the homes
This hurricane demolished the safest of zones..

While people were fleeing the others did stay
Some were incredulous and laughed all the way
Pounding the barriers and uprooting the trees
Harvey devoured the earth and its breeze......

And Harvey he came with the mightiest wind
He roared and he blew and he turned once again  
Flooding the beaches and shattering the homes
This hurricane demolished the safest of zones..

The forecaster predicted but never could see
The outcome so treacherous how could it all be
These waters so bountiful: now a new grave
For mass groups of people who rode in its wave

And Harvey he came with the mightiest wind
He roared and he blew and he turned once again  
Flooding the beaches and shattering the homes
This hurricane demolished the safest of zones..

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