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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If you will..

Take in the beauty of the day that is now  breaking upon you
Look around and see how much wisdom and love is shining through
The birds they are singing a beautiful melody that wakens all  creation
And a gentle breeze is whispering  to all without any hesitation

The trees so majestic and strong soften the warming rays of the sun
Plants of all sizes and shapes give calm and peace to almost everyone
Creatures of the day are scampering around running here and there.
The universe is ever welcoming and inviting: extending to all it's  care

Pause for a moment now and listen with all your being to the world outside
Hear in your heart every movement of the universe let it soothe you  inside
Not like any other sounds are those which mother earth chooses to play
Her music is the only one that can chase all your hurts and sorrows away

If you are stressed and find that you are needing some more inner peace
Perhaps a change of your schedule can be a starting point for some release
If you pass through the day without some time for silence within your soul
You may be allowing the temporal to create for you an unrealistic goal

Only through the balancing of time spent outside with time spent within
Can harmony and peace create in you a rythmn that allows true beauty in
Then you will appreciate what you have so often never stopped to see
And become one with the universe which is the secret to tranquility.

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