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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Even when the skies are grey

Gentle raindrops are quietly dancing around the world outside
Their ryhthm and their sound is so soothing to  my heart  inside
Listening to mother  earth as she is awakening  from her sleep
Is creating in my heart memories  that I am wanting to keep.

The sun is hiding behind  the clouds that are gathered about today
Yet there is a certain beauty to be found, even when the skies are grey
The storms shake up the soil that had been frozen by the winter chill
And give the earth the moisture she needs to stretch out and move at will

How wonderful it is to watch creation as she  is evolving each and every  day
There is so much mystery and so much  wonder to be seen along the way
From the tiniest creatures that crawl about to the mountains that are so  tall
So much can be learned and admired by anyone: be they great or small.

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