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Saturday, September 20, 2014

There's music in the morning..

There's music in the morning that no singer has ever sung
There's  a harmony and a peacefulness that has freely sprung
From the waking of the universe,  the plant-lets and the trees
Oh, can't you hear the symphony? It's riding in the breeze...

Everything, that is before us all, has a melody all it's own
The tiniest little creature will sing of graces freely sown..
Even the quietest elements and the minerals that are unseen
Will cry out from their hidden-ness: do you know what I mean?

So let us listen carefully as we're starting  the venturous day
There are so many messages that  the universe wants  to say
But we with all of our busy-ness are so often unable to hear
The music of this created world: its invading our atmosphere..

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